
geotechnical mine subsidence technical experts legal litigation support expert witness testimony mining consultants minerals mine financial consultant marketing coal technical expert litigation legal financial reserve geologyBOYD’s engineers and geotechnical specialists have had extensive involvement in a variety of mining assignments related to geotechnical issues at surface (opencast) operations and at underground mines (coal, limestone, potash, phosphate, trona, copper, gold, etc.). These include developing designs and preparing engineering analyses related to slope stability studies, roof control, pillar design, evaluation of failures, prediction of subsidence, etc.

This consultant experience provides the basis for BOYD’s senior staff to provide litigation support, and our senior professionals have given expert witness testimony in a broad variety of geotechnical matters.

Examples of recent cases where BOYD provided opinions include:

  • Subsidence / interaction between underground mine workings and surface features (structures, pipelines, streams, roads, etc.).
  • Fatalities and injuries related to roof falls, bumps, bursts, and rib rolls.
  • Suitability of ground control plans.
  • Stability analyses related to highwalls and surface mining operations.
  • Underground mining conditions.